Become an Exchange Student

Information for Parents

Participating in an exchange program abroad gives your teenagers unique opportunities to:

  • Develop skills necessary to succeed in a globalized world, including the ability to cooperate effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds is essential.
  • Acquire valuable foreign language skills – an important asset at college and in their future careers. Students often test out of lower-level language classes at college.
  • Make great friends and contacts overseas that last a lifetime.
  • Improve their ability to adjust to new situations and view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth — an essential skill honed by adjusting to life in a different culture.
  • Set themselves apart from other college applicants. Being a successful exchange student demonstrates independence, maturity, and a desire to learn about the world.
  • Learn about themselves and their academic and professional interests by adapting to their host community and exploring new activities and classes.
  • Gain confidence in their ability to succeed through their own independent efforts.

Questions? Please contact us for more information.

“I truly felt like a part of the family, whenever I had a problem they helped and we got really close. I could have tons of fun and talk to…

Marius from Germany

“This completes my third year hosting as a double placement, and I would not even consider a placement through any other agency. The three of us got along delightfully and…

Lane from Washington, USA

“[My host family and I] had directly a good connection to each other. I feel now I have another family in America… We had a great relationship with a lot…

Lisa from Germany

“At first when I was thinking of the exchange, could I do it or not… I was afraid… but then I came here and it has been so, so good. I am…

Leonie from France
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